Volunteers scrub planting on Primrose Hill
The Regent's Park & Primrose Hill

Volunteer strategy

Every volunteer makes a difference.  Thousands of people offer their time, their talents and their commitment by volunteering with us.  

In return, we want to give them a rewarding, inspiring experience.

Key information

5am - 12am

Food & drink available

Why The Royal Parks volunteers are so important 

It is a huge job to protect and manage the Royal Parks – and we couldn’t achieve nearly as much without the help of The Royal Parks volunteers. 

Volunteering helps us connect with each other and with our wider community. But most importantly, the volunteers help make the parks and open spaces even better. We want to support our volunteers, reward them with high quality experiences and provide them with opportunities for their own development. 

Our Royal Parks volunteering strategy was written following the formation of The Royal Parks charity in 2018, and it has been developed since. It’s the result of extensive research and consultation. The strategy focuses on strengthening our work with all our partners and volunteers so we can deliver new opportunities for everyone, and diversify our volunteer community. 

You can read our current volunteering strategy here. Or get in touch with our friendly volunteer team to find out ways in which you can help. 

Make a difference

Volunteer with us and support your favourite Royal Park.